Since last Wednesday someone in this house has been sick. It has been so much fun. It started with Abby last Wednesday than hit David on Saturday and than to me on Sunday and I feel like I still have not recovered. I am tired, and David has been out of town since Monday. Ready for him to come home and take care of these children that keep running around the house calling me mom and asking me to do things for them=)
The last few weeks there has been much talk about the new baby that is going to be making an appearance at our house in the next month or so. The girls are worried that when the baby comes they are not going to get any attention.
Bella: Everyone already says how cute Abby is all the time and now when the new baby gets here, all we will hear is "Oh look how cute the baby is"
Mom: (Which is probably not PC of me and will probably regret saying this later) Oh Bella don't worry he is going to be a boy and they only stay cute so long and than they turn stinky and you will always be beautiful. What can I say it got me thru that day.
So on Saturday Bella and I had a Mommy and ME day so she called it. She was so excited last week it was all she could talk about. Well apparently she saw an ad on TV that JC Penny was having the largest sale of the season and Everything in the store was on Sale.... So she had planned our day.
We ended up having to drop Abby off since David was "Under the Weather" We went to Chick Fil La to eat lunch and than it was off to JC Penny. As we walked in the door she said look mom I was right, AS she read the big sign... Everything in the store is on Sale. She picked herself out a new dress and a velour cheetah outfit for her and Abby that matched. We also ended up with a Barbie and some Webkinz thing after I told her NO TOYS. We went to Dilly Dally's to pick out a present for her friends birthday party and than off to get our toes done.... After an hour and a half of waiting Bella was done. Out feet look beautiful though.
I am starting the count down till the baby comes now and have started a list of everything I need to get done before he comes. The list is rather long so I don't even want to look at it but I know I have to, like things like get a car seat....You know the little things. I figured if we didn't buy one and he was a fussy baby we could just leave him there since you can't bring the baby home without one....I am 34 weeks today so one month till he comes unless he decides to come sooner.
Journaling 12/8/24
1 month ago
Bless your little heart!
Take care of yourself these last few weeks!!
And tell the girls that boys really are stinky and have cooties!! I wouldn't lie to them!!
boys are stinky! true statement. that's why i hope for all girls...they just have attitudes :). i cannot believe you only have a month left!
The girls are going to have so much fun with their little brother! He is going to broaden their outlook on life! Worms and bugs will be awesome rather than gross. Have a great week and get some rest!
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